A Doll for the Boss

A slow death

Entering this hospital was a slow death, the smell of cheap disinfectant mixed with the blood and the crying of people screaming for losing a loved one, it was quite a pathetic scene. I walked decisively until I saw the horrendous and hypocritical faces of Samantha's parents and my mother, a detestable mix. "Have they heard anything?" I asked, staring at the operating room door.

"No, my daughter is still in surgery," my mother-in-law's mother replied.

"I would appreciate it if everyone left, including you mother. My father is waiting for you outside. You have already posed for the press, now leave," I ordered with authority. My mother did not reply, she left the room without saying anything. "I'm not going, she's my daughter. If you want, force me to leave."

Samantha's mother seemed to have gained an unnecessary courage, she was not in the mood to tolerate ridiculous outbursts.

"Out! Your husband- I sighed furiously as I walked to approach them-sold me your daughter as a piece of meat a few months ago. I know you were aware. Don't come at this stage with that lie that you care about your daughter. She doesn't need to see your damn suffering mother's face. If you don't leave, I will cancel our entire agreement and leave you on the street."

Both of their faces paled, I hit the nail on the head. Not even the supposed feeling they had for Samantha was as strong as their love for money.

They both left the waiting room without saying a word. I felt better, I could be at peace with my thoughts, I knew everything was my fault. I had treated her like a dog and now I deserved to suffer.

I waited for a long hour until the doctor finally came out, one I hadn't seen before.

"Family of Samantha."

"I am, her husband. Tell me how everything went?" I asked, fearful of the answer.

"The lady is very delicate. She was given blood, but in conditions of massive transfusion or multiple transfusions, more serious complications in pregnancy can arise."

"What complications?" I asked nervously.

"Well sir, these complications include: hypothermia, electrolyte imbalance involving low levels of potassium, hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia which is just low levels of calcium. She could also present coagulopathy, when this happens the coagulation factors dilute causing weak or disabled coagulation, depletion of 2,3 -DPG, depletion of a component of blood that regulates how easily oxygen moves from hemoglobin to tissue, jaundice, infection, alloimmunization, transfusion reactions. That's why she will be under strict surveillance throughout the night. If she does not have fever, we can rest a little more peacefully.

"I want to know about my son. Is there hope for him to be born healthy?"

There it was, finally I could release that knot in my throat since I got here.

"The baby is being monitored. Let's hope the child can continue to grow normally without alterations for the rest of the gestation. We hope to finish this pregnancy on happy terms." "What did you say? Did I hear it wrong, are these my ideas?"

"What did you say, doctor?" I asked. "A boy?"

"That's right, I thought you knew you were expecting a boy. While monitoring him, we were able to realize that it is a boy."

"A boy! We're expecting a boy!" I exclaimed excitedly and full of joy. Finally some good news in the middle of this nightmare. I had already said it, I didn't care if he had my blood or Omer's; he was my son, that was not up for debate. I thanked the doctor for the information and stayed waiting to be allowed to see Samantha. In the meantime, I called my driver to inform him about the situation and ask him to come to the hospital, I needed to solve some pending issues. After insisting a bit, finally the doctor allowed me to see Samantha. I had to put on sterile clothes and cover myself completely, we couldn't risk bringing germs. When my eyes landed on her body, I felt my heart squeeze in my chest. She was pale and weak, but still breathing. Her mouth was dry and open from the tubes, her hair was tucked under a huge bandage covering her head. I felt like dying.

I sat by her side, taking her hand carefully. She felt so fragile, as if she could break.

"Samantha, honey, I'm here. Everything will be fine. We will overcome this together. I know I behaved horribly, but I want you to forgive me. I swear I would give my life for you, pay whatever price to switch places. Please, don't die... Don't die because of me."

A tear escaped without permission, then thousands came out uncontrollably.

"I have no forgiveness for all I made you go through in such a short time. But I love you. I don't want a world without you. How am I supposed to live without the person who makes me breathe? My love for you came out of nowhere, but it settled in my heart like a dagger. I have been waiting for you all this time. I am sure that in other lives I have loved you in the same way. Please, don't leave me, I beg you, come back to me," I whispered with a voice that was broken with emotion.

For the first time in a long time, I felt the hope of a better future, with my wife and my son. I wanted to forget about vengeance and family debts. I did not want to be the one who had to live immersed in a world of darkness, by extinguishing the only light that shines for me.

I sighed "I love you, Samantha, come back. I will always be waiting for you to love you."

The machines started going crazy, making it clear that something had happened. I wasn't foolish, her heart had stopped and mine with hers. Several doctors and nurses entered within seconds.

"What's happening? Tell me," I asked desperately.noveldrama

"Nurse, get this man out, he can't be here."

The order was precise, but I was determined to stay. I fought with all my might, I would wait by her side all night if necessary. I wouldn't leave her alone for a single moment. I promised to be a better husband, to be there for her at all times and to love her as she deserved.

The nurses ran like crazy, passing an injection to the doctor who didn't hesitate to push it into my wife's heart. I wasn't a doctor but I realized that Samantha had died. And so, without further ado, I left the room, sitting on the floor of that huge hallway.

My thoughts were clouded, my heart broken into a thousand pieces. I couldn't believe I had lost my wife. I felt guilty for all the bad things I had done to her, for not being by her side when she needed me the most. Now I would have to live with that weight for the rest of my life.

"What happened?" Omer shouted as he shook me by the shoulders.

"She's gone," I said, crying uncontrollably, because I couldn't control my tears. I couldn't stop time, much less turn it back. This was a wound that would never heal.

"No, no, it has to be a lie."

It was the last thing I heard Omer say, because I saw his body disappear on the way to the room where Samantha was, and apparently my half brother had also lost the love of his life.

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