In a cave beneath a forest lived triplets who were born by two little ones who lived in caves all their lifetime.

The reasons being that they don’t believe in the being above the sky so not to see his sky they resulted in building a cave.

They met each other on a day both went for plant and animal hunting and nature did its part and they fell in love.

Without any consent of a priest or their parents, they got married in the cave but never had a child.

After ten years of barrenness, the female took in and gave birth to triplets who they didn’t give names but called them “the cave brothers.”

They were always seated on the ground muttering chants in their leisure time but both died when their triplets clocked ten.

The triplets growing up without parents and having to struggle on their own despised their fellow mortals and never associated with anything mortal as they call mortals.

In the triplets was the word “atheism” generated which meant without Gods.

Unlike the parents of the triplets, the triplets believed the existence of mortals is just a case of nature so they lived a reckless life and practiced so many evil acts.

In them, the act of gay, anal s. e. x, and incest generated, and unlike their parents, they come out of their caves when they want to.

All their life they longed for a moment to practice the dark skill they were blessed with but yet when Lucifer visited them and offered them to serve him as their God before his great fall they told him to go remove his costume cause mortals don’t bear wings and pushed him away.

Being an Angel who was still nurturing his evils then he left them but at the doorstep, he called them “little devils” a name they accepted willingly but then the name had a great effect on them.

The little ones called the fallen Angel “devil” but the Angel of the dark himself called the cave brothers little devils himself and so loved them so much even before his great fall.

Meaning that the word “devil” was first bored by the mortals.

The little devils continued their little devilish acts but then the fall of the great Angel happened and they longed to meet him but not because they believed in him but because they saw someone who had greater evil in him and their thoughts being that with him by their side they will be so dangerous and feared more.

The little ones feared them greatly and as such anywhere they entered they run away but still as much as great hate they had from the little ones they also had a great number of lovers.

They were also great singers and had great voices which they used to lure ladies and have their way with them.

Therefore introducing the word “bisexual.”

Not just did they introduce the word they also introduced “group s. e. x.”

The ever first mortals to act s. e. x on stage and in whispers they fallen Angel from his abode called the act “pornography” and the name lived since then even without the little ones knowing the origin of the word.

But at a point, they stopped f. uc. king because the fallen Angel installed an incurable deadly disease in them.

They stopped because even though their hearts were evil they didn’t want to pass it around but then they believed the fallen Angel can still help them.


I thought Lucifer was a liar as he’s always been but seeing the acts of the cave brothers I believed in his word meaning that not every word that comes out of Lucifer’s lips are lies but 90% meaning that even in his deepest lies an atom of truth is found.


The three witches after several instructions from the Angel of the dark left smiles plastered on their faces.

They entered into a club and everywhere was blazing with life but so dark that one outside couldn’t fathom what was going on inside.

On the stage, dancing was ladies in underwear.

The three witches stared at them for a long time and in a whisper let out they shall be called “strippers” and the whole little ones started shouting “strippers! “strippers” and like that the word originated.

Entering further into the club they sighted three very cute guys sitting at the far end of the club sipping their drinks gently and discussing.

On their heads was a black cap.

All they wore was black.


“Can we join you guys?” one of the witches known as Claudia asked staring at the charming guys with a grin on her face.

“There are so many chairs here, go sit your ass in one of them and stop trying to flirt with us.”

“We got no interest in your holes, so if you all will excuse us we were in the middle of a discussion” one of the guys muttered his eyes glaring daggers at the three witches.noveldrama

“Take it, easy bro, yea we don’t f. u. c. k but that was harsh on the lady, she meant no harm.”

“Hey, I apologize on his behalf but you guys should just leave us alone” another of the guys mumbled.

The last among them kept silence, his glass on his eyes as he sipped his drink.

The three witches fumed and glared at them before walking away.

“Sit,” a deep shady voice muttered stopping them in their tracks.

The turned back to see deep blue eyes staring at them his face dead blank.

“Did you tell us to sit? And wow you all are triplets?” the three witches whispered same time.

“I did, I perceive evil round you all, sit.”

The three witches stared at each other with mouths hanging open and eyes bulging out.

“Who are you all?” They voiced out their ass hitting the chairs immediately.

“We are the cave brothers and we want to meet the fallen Angel” they all groaned.

“Why then did you both push us off at first when you guys know us?” The three witches asked.

“To confirm the rate of your waves of anger now can we go?”

The three witches stared at them for a long time and then bent their heads and in a whisper said; “master three little ones want to meet you, should we bring them?”

“And where?”

“Bring them to the same forest I met you three, they were the reason I sent you out” the deep voice of Lucifer sounded in their ears.

“Let’s go” they all whispered at the cave brothers and they walked out.

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