Forgotten Wife: Let the Traitors Kneel Down

Chapter 193


The Fairy Queen seeing that all the monsters had turned to ash, mounted her winged horse and went to where April was, she looked pale and tired.

- You should rest, you have used too much magic human queen.

- I’m fine.

Everyone present showed the same concern as the queen since April did not look well they insisted that she should go to rest. In the end April had no choice but to do what they asked.

- This war is over, you can return to the palace now, your presence here is not required, my servants will take care of you.

- The Fairy Queen used her magic to send April to the Fairy Queen’s palace. Upon arrival several fairies approached her and took her to her room.

- Do you want us to prepare a bath for you, something to eat or do you want to rest?

April felt tired and a little dizzy, so she replied.

- I want to rest, you may leave.noveldrama

All the fairies left. April lay down on the soft, fluffy bed, she felt dizzy and nauseous, her magic had been completely released and the seals had been broken, she thought that when that stopped she would not have a problem using her magic again, but apparently she was wrong because she felt extremely April closed her eyes and fell asleep quickly, the next day when she woke up she was surprised to see Maya in her room, she smiled at her and said.

- Good morning April, did you sleep well?

April sat up in bed, suddenly she felt nauseous, so she lay back down.

- I think I don’t feel very well.

- Should I call a healer?

- Don’t worry, I think it was because I got up too fast.

- Are you sure?

- Yes, I just need to rest, Cassian was hurt, how is he?

- He’s okay, it was nothing serious.

- And how are you?

Maya sat up in bed and said.

- I’m fine, actually we were all more worried about you, we thought they would put you back into a deep sleep like last time.

April was scared to think that maybe she had been sleeping for days.

- Wait, how many days have I been sleeping?

- Calm down, it’s only been a day.

- April sighed in relief.

- Are the others okay?

- Yes, everyone is fine, although Ethan was bothering me that he wanted to see that you were okay, that the fairy queen hadn’t done anything bad to you, but even if the queen is someone cunning, she wouldn’t do something like that, you are her ally, she values ​​and respects her allies a lot.

- You seem to know her well.

Maya shrugged and answered.

- Just a little.

- Although the war is over, in the end my sister ran away.

- Yes, that has everyone very uneasy, especially that idiot of your brother.

- Is Enzo still here?

- Yes, it seems that he wants to talk to you before leaving, he is the enemy, I don’t understand why he is being treated like a guest.

- We made an alliance with him, he is no longer our enemy, although I can’t assure that he is an ally in reality.

- The fairy queen explained it shortly after she sent him back to the palace, however no one considers him an ally, he seems to be someone who will attack you at any moment.

- The truth is that I think the same, Enzo is not trustworthy.

- I hope he leaves soon, it makes me nervous that he is here.

- He is very stubborn, he will not leave until he has talked to me, it would be better if I get up and go talk to her.

April tried to get up, but she felt dizzy again so she lay back down.

- Maybe she needs to rest a little more.

After a week April’s condition, on the contrary, her nausea had become even worse and she could barely eat a bite without vomiting. Everyone was very worried about her.

Maya was so worried that she dared to go ask the Fairy Queen for help.

The Fairy Queen had just finished a meeting with some subordinates when Maya entered, she was surprised and said to her.

- You coming to see me has taken me by surprise. I thought you hated me and didn’t want to know anything about me.

- I don’t hate her majesty the queen.

- If you don’t hate me, why do you want to run away from me?

- It’s not that I want to run away from your majesty.

The queen came out from behind her desk, approached Maya and said.

- You say you don’t want to run away but even so you will leave this land and go far away, it seems to me you are running away from me.

- I’m not running away, I just want to be with the man I love, nothing more.

- Love is ephemeral, stay, become my successor.

- No, even if it is ephemeral, I choose to love.

- You look a lot like her, you are even just as foolish.

- Your majesty, although I look like her daughter, I am not her.

The queen went to the window, from there she could see the mountains of Nula and the Bross forest, winged horses flew through the sky, it was a beautiful sight, she gave a big sigh and said.

- Why is it that my entire family refuses to relieve me? Is this place so bad?

- It’s not bad your majesty, on the contrary it’s wonderful, if I’m honest, I’m going to long for this place when I leave.

- Then stay.

- No, although I love this place, I still want to be with the man I love and have a family by his side.

- I hope you don’t regret your decision.

- I won’t, after all this is my decision.

- So today you came to say goodbye?

- No, actually I came to ask for your help, it’s been a week and April still feels bad.

- So that was it, don’t worry, she’ll be fine.

- She can’t eat anything without vomiting, she feels dizzy and weak, I don’t think she’ll be fine.

- In her condition it’s completely normal.

- In her condition, is she sick?

- No, she’s pregnant.

- What?

- But how?

- By joining her body with…

- No, that’s not what I mean, I already know how babies are made, what I mean is, she was unconscious for a while, which means her pregnancy is recent, is that why her systems started so soon?

- Not all pregnancies are the same, some don’t even have symptoms, but I think she’ll have a really bad time the first few months.

- Does April already know?

- I guess not.

- Then, how does your majesty know?

- It’s because I have great sensitivity with magic, I notice things that others don’t.

- But why didn’t you tell her?

I didn’t think it was necessary to say it.

- She was fighting while pregnant, you knew it and you didn’t say anything.

- Maya shouted very upset, the fairy queen responded calmly.

- She was taking care of the wounded, not fighting monsters.

- Still...

- Maya, I understand your annoyance, but you need her, if she had not intervened, most likely we would all be dead.

The Fairy Queen seeing Maya’s clear discontent, said to her. - I will go see your friend and try to do something to alleviate her discomfort.

Although Maya was still upset by the Fairy Queen’s actions

, she could not refuse to receive her help since that would only affect April, so she swallowed her pride and replied.

- Thank you for the queen’s kindness.

Maya left and returned to April, she was very upset with the queen for having put April in danger, even though she knew she was pregnant.

Upon entering the room Maya saw Cassian, he had gone to see how she was.

He approached her, gave her a soft kiss on the lips and asked.

- Where were you?

- I have gone to see the Fairy Queen.

Cassian got a little nervous every time Maya met the Fairy Queen; Maya noticed his uneasiness and said, "Don’t

worry, I’m fine." "Are you sure he didn’t do

anything to you?" "Didn’t he try to convince you to stay?"

Before Maya could answer, the Fairy Queen entered the room and answered instead.

"I tried, but she refused, she’s obsessed with you."

Instinctively Cassian hugged Maya in protective mode.

The Fairy Queen walked past him without paying much attention and addressed April.

"How are you?"

April looked pale and haggard, she answered honestly.

"Not very well, I think I’m still suffering the effects of using my magic.

" "It’s not really that, didn’t Maya tell you?" Maya said.

"I just got here, didn’t I have time to say it?"

- Then I’ll tell him, you’re not suffering any side effects from using your magic, you just used too much magic at once and that scared your baby, that’s why your pregnancy symptoms started earlier, it’s one of the ways she found to let you know that it’s there and that you must take care of yourself.

April couldn’t believe what the queen was telling her.

- What, Pregnant?

- That’s right, you’re carrying a baby in your womb, congratulations.

April caressed her belly, she was very happy and wished she could go back soon to give Alessandro the good news, to tell him that they were going to be parents.

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