Second Thoughts After Divorce

Chapter 20

Rod’s POV

– sex scene abend

I squeak out as the Alpha drops me down on to the large luxurious bed, my towell almost falling from my naked body as he does so

I hold the fluffy material to me with one hand, before watching him as he stands tall–removing his shirt revealing his sculpted, tattoned torso.

This man… this Alpha… was like nothing I had ever seen before! He was sheer perfection…..

I couldn’t help but

ot stare up at him, eaming an accomplished smirk in return as though he could damn well read my mind…

hton then moves across the

room to close over the curtains, giving us full privacy along with creating a more intimate feel to the which made the hairs on my arms stand alert in anticipation.

room a

– a gesture

My thoughts clouded, as I watched the man and Alpha, who was now my mate, approach the bed….

I inhale slowly, attempting to calm my nerves, before the familiar itch begins to creep back up on me again.

I panic slightly, feeling the sensation quickly intensify, before I find myself whimper in fear of the fast approaching pain….

The Alpha halts by my side, his eyes widening with sudden concern as he stares down at me intensely…

*I promise I’ll take things slow Rose… are you that scared about doing this?” He questions me softly, leaning down to be closer to me, as I shake my head profusely at his words.

“N–Noit’s not you… it’s the pain… it’s coming b–back!” I manage to choke out, suddenly feeling the fluffy towel grow more rough against my tender


Ashtons brows shoot up, as if realising that we were now running low on time again… this heat seemed to be never ending and relentless.

“I can help to ease this Rose… do you trust me??” He states out in a hurry, as I find myself nodding frantically at his words.

Whatever it takes… I don’t want to feel this torture for a moment longer! I’ll try anything!

With that, the bed dips, as the Alpha climbs in beside me–palling my towelled body closer to him in a swift motion… his rough hand moves to grab my face next, turning my head to face his completely before he wastes no time before locking his lips on to mine.

The distraction seems to work, as all I can manage to focus on now is his soft lips moving against my own teasing me tenderly as he occasionally nips at my lip.

I don’t know why, but I feel myself growing needy for more of his attention. A longing want settles within me, a strong desire for him to take things further than the kiss… and fast!

With that thought, a slight moan escapes my lips, earning a deep growl from Ashton in return as he kisses me harder…

I initially tense at the sound, however soon decide that it was a growl of approval as opposed to being from his temper.

A moment passes, before he detaches himself from my mouth, leaving me panting and breathing heavily… confused as to why he had suddenly stopped. My mind swarms with rushing thoughts, before I feel the heat rising within me again causing me to panic farther.

“I need you to relax ok? Im going to make you feel good. Ashton states firmly, as I take note of his pupils which were now intensely dark, unlike his usual shade of bright green.

1 find myself only managing to nod at his words, my mouth suddenly growing dry, before I watch him pull the sheets up and over his head… disappearing beneath them.

What is he doing

I think briefly, before I feel his hands trailing down my thighs – pulling the bath towel off from that area slowly…

Im completely naked… but at least it’s dark under there right? He can’t really judge how I look when he can barely see?

I cringe as another wave of pain smashes through me, as my body thrashes slightly–before I feel two strong hands grab my knees.

Before I know, my legs are parted, the towel is completely open and laying beneath me on the bed, before I groan at yet another wave of heat burning through my insides….

With that, Ashton gets to work on his plan, as he begins to pepper tender kisses down the insides of my thighs, continuing to keep his firm hold of my legs in the process to stop my squirms.

I breathe heavily, focusing on the nice sensation which he was now creating as I force myself to ignore my hrutal sreond wave of heat.

It is only then that I almost faint completely, as Ashton does something unexpected, earning a loud moan from my lips as his wet tongue glides up my

totally lost in what is happening from there on, as my head falls back from his sensational assault. I continue to moan and gasp as he licks and sucks at my clit – controlling my body solely with his tongue.

His large palms move across my legs, before one of them reaches around to begin rubbing me teasingly, whilst his tongue continues to dance- removing any ounce of painful heat 1 had felt prior.

This was a feeling like no other… a feeling I didn’t think I would ever be able to get over this was heavent

I feel something begin to build within me, as my moans grow louder and all previous nerves and shame flies out of the window. I no longer cared about bow I looked, all I know is that I wanted him to finish this. I needed more….

Just as I begin to lose total control, I almost scream as Ashton detaches himself from me completely–hand and mouth before resurfacing from under the sheets.

My eyes are wide, as I stare at him – totally dumbfounded as to why he had even stopped. Was he done already? I wasn’t done…

For the first time I want to hit the man, just from his cocky smirk alone, but of course I don’t. Instead, I remain silent, catching my breath as I blink at him – confused. noveldrama


“Don’t pout baby… I’m not done with you yet… that was just the warm up. Ashtons velvety words come like music to my ears, as I have to practically stop myself from grinning like the Alice in Wonderland Cheshire Cat.

I take note of my heat, which was now thankfully a vague feeling, however still there. It would creep back up soon enough though…

Ashton moves further up, before his hand begins to trail up my stomach before making its way to my breasts.

Sure, I didn’t have the worlds largest breasts but I liked to think that they were still an ok size for a mate? But who was I to say what men liked… when I had never even been with a man until now!

I inhale sharply, as the Alpha places tender kisses down my neck–sucking and nipping at my mark which again drives one mad.

I wriggle under the assault, enjoying every ounce of attention he was now giving me, before moaning when his fingers twist at my nipples providing the with another new sensation which I loved.

Fuck you’re so fucking hot! I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of teasing and fucking you Rose!” He groans out in my ear, earning a pleasure filled whimper in response.

His deep wice alone was sending me over the edge, before I focused on his hand as it made

le its way back down my torso, leading back to my sweet spot which was still soaked from his tongue.

He wastes no timer on li

lightly teasing me again, as I sigh in total content that he had returned to that area. I need him to go further this time….

As though he can read my mind, I grp loudly and grip on to his broad shoulders when feeling two of his large fingers pushing at my entrance

“Need to get you stretched out a little in order to take my cock… tell me if you need me to stop at any point…” Ashton mumbles in my ear, before continuing to suck at my mack making the pain quickly turn to pleasure as he pushes in deeper.

Igman and grip nudly, gripping on to him, before he fills me all the way my vagina clenching against his fingers as if never wanting to let him gas,

So tight!” He groans, as I allow myself the time to adjust to the foreign feeling.

“P–Please… move…” I beg, greedily needing more from him again, as I practically feel him smirk against my neck

Saying no more, he begins to pump his fingers in and out of me, as I enjoy and adapt to every second of the experience. My moans gems louder than ever before, as Ashton takes the sounds as a sign to go even faster, causing me to lose my mind all over again.

How can this man make me feel this damn good?!

“M–More! Ashton please give me more!My mouth speaks without my brain, as I beg for my deepest desire.

“You’re sure you want this?” Ashton groans, removing his fingers in an instant before shuffling himself between my legs.

“… I do… please! I beg again, growing flustered and desperate to complete the final bond.

“Anything for you baby…” Ashton states firmly, before using his knees to spread my legs further apart.

He then rids himself of the only material covering his manhood- as my eyes grow wide when seeing the very large, very thick cock spring out before

  1. me.

1 almost regret my picas, my mouth opening and closing at the sight of the monster between his legs… he’s going to end me…

*If you don’t close th

that pretty little mouth then I have to fuck that next! He grits, as I slam my lips shut at the statement.

There’s no way I can put that thing in my mouth… It would never t! I’ll choke to death!

I all but nod, before he positions himself between my thighs, leaning forward to now be closer to me. This is it… my first time… It’s happening..

“This is going to hurt for the first part.” Ashton informs me, before I feel the head poking at my entrance as he begins to push himself in

I cry out loudly, hissing at how much he was stretching me out, whilst Ashton places soft kisses on my cheek – whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

“W–Wait!” I choke out, as Ashton halts immediately, all but half way in


want me to stop?” He asks, his own voice sounding strained as I shake my head at the suggestion.

“N–No… I just need time to adjust… I don’t think III… Et all of it…” I gasp and pant, hearing a soft chuckle come from him next as my cheeks heat.

“I’ll make it fit baby…I fuck you that often that your pussy will mould itself to fit me perfectly!” His dirty statement meets my ears, as my eyes widen at the promise.

I don’t think he’s kidding either…

“Just put it all in… I find myself whisper, uncertainty laced with curiosity, before Ashton wastes no time and slams home–filling me to the absolute brim as I release a loud shrick.

I’m in… I’m in… you did it… it’s ok…” He hashes me, stilling again to allow my body to adjust to his whole length.


I breathe in and out steadily, whilst Ashton instinctively uses my mark again as a distraction–sucking on the skin.

Soon the pain turns to desperate pleasure, as I almost lose my mind at the feeling. “Move! In–need you to move now!” I beg, as he nods into the crook of my neck and does as I ask.

With that, he starts off slow, before his thrusts quicken with each passing second – my moans turning in to screants. Ashton begins to groan loudly too, which heightens the moment as I find myself never wanting this to end.

This felt damn right incredible!

“S–Something is

g is happening Ash…” I whimper loudly through my moans, as Ashton growls at my statement.

“You’re going to cum baby let it happen… fack! So am 1 He grunts, as he pounds even harder than before us both moaning messes.

Seconds turn to long minutes of enjoyable pleasure, before I scream loudly feeling myself reach an all time high- my eyes closing and my fists gripping the sheets.

Not a moment later, Ashton releases inside of me too, pumping himself a couple last times before pulling himself out–groaning loudly in accomplishment.

I did it….

We did it…

I am now fully mated

To the Alpha..

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