The Accidental Wife (Emily and Julian)

Chapter 91


problem with me because of who my

mum is.

Before I know it, a month has already passed. I've already gotten used to being a college student. Everything seems fine and I even made two friends; however, there's one professor who is keen on making my life a living hell. Professor Berton. I think she has a huge I remember her first lecture. She looked at me and said, "I don't want anyone to expect that they're above anybody here because of who their parents may be. Just because you're related to anybody in the fashion industry, that doesn't mean that you're good." I don't even want anybody to give me any special treatment because of who my mum is. I don't want to live in her shadow. I want people to appreciate my designs because of how good they are, not because I'm the daughter of one of the most famous designers in the world. Hell, I didn't even want anybody to know who I was.


She always points out flaws in my designs and trust me, I don't mind as long as her criticism is constructive, but she barely gives me feedback. She always tells. me to just "figure out" what's wrong with my designs. I can ask Mum for help with figuring out what I'm doing wrong with my designs, yet I don't want to do that. I want to make it on my own. I'm aware that I'm one step or even a few steps ahead compared to my peers, but the market won't respect me for long because I'm the daughter of Emily Kensington. This market is incredibly ruthless. I play with the necklace I have around my neck as I lie down on the couch. I turned eighteen nineteen days ago. My birthday was simple, yet beautiful. Mum and Dad threw me a beautiful party in our backyard. My close friends, our family and family friends were invited. Of course, Silas was there, and he was exceptionally nice to me. He has been exceptionally nice since the event. and I'm not sure why. However, I won't complain about that. The necklace was gifted to me by Silas. It is a simple diamond necklace with three small diamonds falling vertically in the middle. I think I have only taken it off once ever since I put it on during my birthday. It took it off for a couple of days only to get back to wearing it again. It is so simple, yet so beautiful and it goes with every outfit I wear. KS74%

It's already eleven at night and I'm so tired. I'm lucky that tomorrow is Saturday, and I don't have any lectures. I thought I was going to spend every weekend at home with my parents, but it turns out tha it's not the easiest thing to do.

I did spend the previous weekend with them, but I can't spend this one with them. Not all of it at least. I'm going to drive to their place tomorrow night since I'm going out with Sabrina, my new friend, for lunch. just finished an assignment that I'm supposed to submit next Monday. I'm trying to free myself as much as possible because I want to spend all of Sunday with my family.

I have

It t doesn't take me a lot of time to fall asleep; however, a phone call wakes me up in the middle of the night.

I sleepily look at my phone and frown in confusion when I see S**s's name on the screen. Why is he calling me at 1:00 A.M? "Hello," I answer the phone. "Hello Hello my

gorgeous cupcake," he slurs. Is he drunk? "The month is over. I can call you cupcake again. I don't even know why you don't like it when I call you that. Cupcakes are adorable and cute, so are you." He is definitely drunk. "Are you okay, Silas? You're drunk, aren't you?" I sit up straight in bed.

"Smartie Rosie. Yes, I'm super drunk and I don't know how to get home. Do you think you can do me a favor and pick me up?" I can barely make out what he says.

"Where are you?" I ask, already getting out of bed.

"At some party. There are a lot of people and... I don't want to stay here, Rosie. It's not... it's not nice." Something is wrong. Something about his voice tugs at my heartstrings.

"Send I me the location and I will pick you up," I tell him.

"Thank you so much, Rosie. I owe you one," he says and hangs up. I'm not exactly sure what happened at that party, but I know that something is not right. I can tell from his voice.

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I quickly throw on some leggings and a sweater, and take my keys, then head. to my car. I'm glad that he is sober enough to send me the location. I get in my car and it takes me around thirty minutes to reach the location.

It's easy for me to spot him, sitting on the patio. I get out of the car and make my way towards him. The moment he spots me, he stands up and stumbles. his way towards me. "Thank you," he mumbles, wrapping his arms around me. It takes me a

second, but I do the same too. I don't know what's wrong with him, but what I'm certain about is that I want to kill whoever made him feel like that and I'm not even a violent person. "Thank you for calling me. I never want you to drive while you're drunk," I say, pulling away.

"I think I need to leave my car here and return in the morning to get it." He rubs his hand over his face.


"We can do that. Let's just go to my car now." We both get in my car, and I drive back. I look at him as I stop at a red light and see his eyes closed. Has he fallen asleep?

"I'm sorry for waking you up, Rosic, but the guys were drunk and I just... I wanted to leave," he says after around five more minutes of pure silence.

"It's okay. I'm really not bothered. You can call me anytime you want," I assure him. I would rather he wake me up than drive while being drunk. Thank you," he whispers.

"You're welcome," I quietly reply.

Silas is luckily in a state that allows him to walk, so when we arrive at the apartment building, he manages to make it to the elevator with little support. from me.

"I have a very odd request. Do you think I can crash at your place? I can just sleep on the couch." His request is surely odd, because he has never asked me something like that before. However, something about his state, makes me agree. He looks... hurt. I don't know who managed to hurt him like that, but I hate seeing him broken. DB G

We walk inside my apartment, and I lock the door. I get him an extra blanket and a comfy pillow and place them by his side on the couch.


'Do you want me to get you something to eat or

nk?" I ask him. Thanks, Rosie." He offers me a small smile. It's easy for me know that this isn't his real smile. Silas has a gorgeous smile. A contagious one. This one is forced. I don't like it. I want to see his real smile. Thank "Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?" I take a seat beside him. If he wants to stay away until sunrise to talk about whatever is bothering him, I'm going to sit right by his side and listen to every single word he says. If he wants to pour his heart out to somebody without being given any advice, I can be that person.

Over the last couple of weeks, my friendship with Silas has developed. He has surprised me with breakfast five times. He invited me to his football game that is next Tuesday and although I'm not a fan of football, I want to show up for him. I have been to a few of his games before since his parents used to invite us to his big games. I had mostly been dragged to all of them, but this one is different. I willingly want to go.

"Not now... but yeah, I do want to talk." He nods. "Thanks again, Rosie. You're an amazing person," he says as he gently pulls me into his embrace again.

"Just like how I know I can count on you, I want you to always be sure that you can count on me too," I say, tightening my hold on him.

I'm not sure anymore what type of friendship I have with Silas, but what I'm a hundred percent certain about is that we are much closer than we used to be. And I like that so much.

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