The Summer Moon

Chapter 21 -


Ty stepped out of the car in an all-black suit and my heart raced. He looked so gorgeous with his hair gelled up and slightly to the side. In his hands he held the most beautiful bouquet of white and pink flowers and I felt my heart melt. He was So sweet.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him as he walked up the front steps. I heard his knocking on the front door and raced over to open it. I watched as his lips parted slightly as his eyes roamed down my body, then back up. I grinned at him, knowing he definitely likes what he sees.

"Hi," I whispered to him.

"You look incredible Malia," Ty's eyes finally came up to meet mine and I felt sparks run through my body.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I winked at him, suddenly feeling more confident and he smirked. He passed the flowers towards me.

"For you," he whispered, bringing his lips down to kiss my cheek. I gave him the biggest smile as whispered a thank you in his ear.

"Well, don't you two look nice," my dad said, suddenly coming up behind me. I blushed a little and turned to stand beside Ty. Ty's arm snaked around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"John," Ty extended his other hand towards my dad's and shook it firmly. He seemed so confident, not nervous at all.

"Alright, let me get the camera," my dad said and my eyes went wide. I had prayed they were just kidding about that earlier.

"Dad no!" I shouted louder than I meant to. My dad chuckled and shook his head, and I looked over to see Ty staring down at me curiously, obviously confused as to what we were talking about. "Come on," I said, grabbing Ty's hand and pulling him out the front door. "Bye dad," I shouted over my shoulder at him as we continued towards the car. Ty raised his hand up over his shoulder to wave bye behind us without turning back.

As we approached his car, he opened the door for me and I admired the sleek leather interior. "This car is gorgeous," I said as he slid into the drivers seat. "Kind of like you," I smiled at him and he looked towards me with a grin. "You seem more comfortable with me today," he leaned over to kiss me gently. Then he did up his own seatbelt and the car took off down the road.

"I'm excited for tonight, are you going to tell me where you're taking me yet?" I asked eagerly.

"Nope, you gotta wait till we get there," Ty smirked back to me. I rolled my eyes but smiled. I couldn't wait to get there. Ty reached his hand over to hold mine in his, and I sighed, everything with him just felt so natural.

The drive was a little long but it passed quickly as we talked about our days. Ty told me about a class he had taught today at the gym, and I told him all about my day with Emily. Before I knew it, the car was coming to a stop in front of a fancy restaurant.

"Do you like Italian?" He asked me as he opened my door and gave me his hand as I stepped out of the car. I nodded my head and looked around to the restaurant. It had a gorgeous patio with twinkly lights hanging from a wooden structure and was surrounded with flower boxes.

"This place is beautiful," I said to him and admired how his eyes sparkled under the lights. Ty handed his keys to a valet driver then led me towards the front of the restaurant.

"So what was that with your dad?" Ty asked and I could tell he was trying to stifle a laugh. I looked down to the ground, embarrassed. I had been hoping he wouldn't ask about that.

"Just an inside joke with him and Savanah, she had been joking about wanting photos like this is a prom or something," I tried to act casual but Ty laughed at me and it made me want to laugh as well.

Suddenly, Ty pulled out his new phone and pulled me tightly into his side. Just as I was about to ask what he was doing, he looked towards me and smiled. "I think they have the right idea, I want to remember this night," Ty kissed my cheek and I blushed. He held the phone out in front of us and snapped a photo while he kissed my forehead and another of us both smiling at the camera. I leaned into his chest, smiling.

"Will you send those to me?" I asked him while he slid his phone back into his pocket.

"Of course," he leaned in and pressed his lips gently to mine, then pulled back just as the hostess came to greet us at the door. Ty gave his name for a reservation and we followed the waitress as she took us out to a secluded table on the patio. I smiled in awe as I looked over the small vase with lilies in it on the table and the small candles that burned. We took our seats and Ty pulled his chair over so he sat to the side of me rather than across the table.

"What are you doing?" I giggled at him but he just shook his head at me. He placed his hand on my thigh, then looked deeply into my eyes.

"I just can't stand to be that far away from you," he smiled back to me and I felt my heart skip. This date had barely started and everything was so perfect. The waitress came and took our orders and Ty got a bottle of wine for the table which I surprisingly really liked.

Suddenly, Ty turned to me, his eyes dark and filled with lust. "I don't know how I'm going to keep my hands off you tonight. Have I told you how beautiful you look?" I bit my lip and giggled at him.

"You may have mentioned it," I raised my hand up his chest and over his suit jacket to rest on his arm.

"You know, they have nice bathrooms here," Ty winked at me and I felt my face flush. "Oh the things I could do to you, Malia," Ty whispered as he inched closer to me and I felt sparks ignite in my core. "I wish I could taste you again, to have my tongue on your clit. Then I'd lift you up on the counter and -" I made wide eyes at Ty and quickly covered his mouth with my hand. He pulled back and started laughing at me. "You're too cute," he smirked.

I shook my head at him but there was no way I was letting him win this. I leaned towards him and put an innocent look on my face. "But baby, what if I want to take you up on that offer?" I whispered boldly at him and watched as Ty froze, his eyes wide and turning dark. I burst out laughing and he narrowed his gaze on me.

"That was cruel." He whispered in my ear as the waitress came back to bring us our food.

Ty and I ate all the food they brought over and everything tasted so good. I had already decided in my mind that we would definitely have to come here again. Ty paid the bill, then we headed back out to the front. I looked up and watched the stars as we waited for the car to be brought around.

"Admiring the sky?" Ty came to my side and wrapped his arms around me. I placed my hands on his shoulders and leaned in to rest my head against his chest.

"Tonight was amazing Ty," I whispered into him.

"Nights not over yet baby," he kissed the top of my head.

"Where next?" I looked up and asked him but, of course, Ty just flashed me another grin. He grabbed the car keys from the driver and held the door open for me to climb into the car. Ty climbed in his own side, then we took off down the road again towards our next destination. Ty pulled into a parking lot and my eyes went wide when I looked ahead of us.

"Bowling?" I looked at Ty nervously, I so wasn't dressed for this. Ty jumped out of the car then came around my side to help me out, he was such a gentleman.

"It'll be fun, I promise," he smiled at me as I stood up.

"I'm not really dressed for this," I said nervously, looking towards the building again. My hands came down to play with the hem of my dress.

"I think you're dressed perfectly," Ty winked at me and I rolled my eyes. Of course he did, if I bent over at all in this dress he'd surely get a nice view of my ass. "Relax, we're the only ones here," he pulled me close and whispered in my ear. I looked around and realized he was right, there were no other cars here.

"How?" I looked up at Ty but he just held up a set of keys.

"The owner owed me a favour, and it's usually closed on Mondays anyways, so no big deal," Ty smirked and I looked at him in awe. That must be a pretty big favour for the owner to trust him with the keys to the building. I grinned excitedly though, this was going to be so fun.

I started heading towards the building but Ty closed his hand around mine. "Hold on," he said as he pulled me back into him.

"I know you're supposed to kiss the girl at the end of the night, but Lia, I just can't help myself," Ty pushed me up against the car and his lips were on mine, his tongue asking for entrance, which I eagerly granted. I wrapped my hands in his hair and pulled him impossibly closer, breathing him in. Ty's hands slid up my thighs, stopped at the edge of my dress and I pulled back, knowing we had to stop before this went too far. We stared into each others eyes, breathing heavily and exchanged smiles.

"Come on," I sighed, pushing his body back from mine. I took his hand in mine and led us towards the building. Ty eagerly followed me, and once inside he turned on a bunch of lights and some music. I went to sit down at a lane while Ty brought over some shoes for me to change into.

"Unless you'd like to try bowling in your heels," he smirked at me as he set the shoes down at my feet. I shook my head and giggled, no way. I changed my shoes while Ty set up a game and picked out some balls for us. "Ready baby?" He asked as he came to stand next to me.

"You can go first," I smiled at him, then watched as he slid his suit jacket off and rolled up the sleeves on his dress shirt. Ty took the first shot, and I grinned as I admired him from behind. My god, those pants fit him perfectly. Ty got a strike, of course, and I rolled my eyes. Was there anything this boy couldn't do?

I stood to take my shot and began feeling nervous, knowing Ty was about to get a very nice view. I picked up a ball and mustered up some confidence, then went to take my first shot. When I turned around, I looked straight to Ty and saw his body was tense, his eyes so dark they were nearly black as he watched me carefully. I did a fake curtsy and smiled at him, but he stayed frozen. I walked over to stand in front of Ty.

"What are you trying to do to me, Malia?" Ty groaned as he stood, wrapped his hand into my hair and tilted my face up to meet his.

"We're bowling, remember?" I giggled at him and nodded back towards the lanes, but he didn't take his eyes off of mine. I giggled, then turned to take my next shot. As I bent over and released the ball, I felt Ty press up against me. His hands slid my dress up my thighs slightly and I stood up to press my back against his chest, feeling the hardness in his pants press against me.

"You're driving me wild," Ty whispered as he pressed his lips against my neck, sucking on the skin.

"Prove it," I whispered, my voice hoarse. I was craving him. I was craving his touch, his taste, his warmth. I spun in his arms and couldn't control myself as I wrapped at his shirt and wretched all the buttons from it to expose his bare chest. Ty looked at me with wide eyes at first, then quickly changed to a smirk as he lifted me in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his torso as he held my thighs and I pressed my lips against his, savouring his taste. He set me down gently on a table, then pulled my panties down in one swift motion. I gripped his shoulders as he undid his pants. His eyes burned into mine as he gripped my ass again, I wrapped my legs around him and cried out his name as he thrust inside me.

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