Your Love Is But a Dream (Clara and Wren)

Chapter 180

Alexander's time was heavy as he stared at When

mh dark, fergare locked onto Alexander, carrying a hint of hostility. "If you know you don't have the right to interfere, then shut up

but about you? You're the one who hurt her, so do you have the right?" Alexander responded with a cold laugh "Aceast I never hurt her. She doesn't want to see you but is willing to meet

that right?

n's expression turned colder. A faint list of crimson flickered in his eyes as if he was fighting to pass his emotion

For a moment, kertension

en and an unspoken threat filled the air between them

I kobew exclctly what that hostility was about.

Tocre lot a friend to Clara, but I'ro differem. Please don't go too far and make her angry." Wren gared at Alexander deeply and said with a serious tone, "She can only be mine, and no one when has the right to cover be."

Aleander chaght the hostility in Wren's words and couldn't help but let out a laugh.

With his hands casually stuffed in his pockets, he stood there with an air of defiance, completely unbothered and unwilling to fuck downL

“Mr. Zarinian, that's not you to decide whether she's yours of not only she gets to decide that Her choice has nothing to do with what you think, but judging by your attitude, it seems you still don't understand that," Alexander said bluntly, not sparing Wren any country.

The moment you drove her away, you lost any right you thought you had," he ally added.

Wien sentira body lembled as he fought to suppress his emotions.

He tried hard set to cane

Alexander's words, but they still stirred up every emotion he had buried within.

The jealousy and dear bied deep in his heart slowdy serped out, threatening to consume him whole.

Be mould reatly feel Alounder's provocation

his action before la ply emmed from a man's instinct and concern, our things were different.

He could deadly see that leander's feelings for Clara went far beyond mere friendshipnoveldrama

lud detmitely fallen for her

That was why he kept providing Wren. He wanted to stand up for Clara and keep her to himself.

Even Wien had to admit what Alexander said was actually. No matter how much he tried to deceive himself, We knew that there was no going back to the way things had been between

look at him with that same adoring gear again

Men eyes would nerves only, no would she place in hopes in anymore

He was the the slys had pastad tas sway, sebelu

had no right to complain about the pain he now belt.

sad densperately tried to make up for it repest dangle with Hw, in the end, be realized it was fate,

You could glue me pare back together, but it would never be far tam,

Clara nelonger wanted to pa bath.

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